Liverpool Central School District
Now Registering for 2024-2025 School Year!
(Scroll to bottom for forms and important info)
Before and After School Care
BASCOL Hours: 6:30AM until school starts
School dismissal until 6:00PM
- BASCOL Hours: 6:30AM until school
- School dismissal until 6:00PM
- BASCOL Hours: 6:30AM until school starts
- School dismissal until 6:00PM
BASCOL Hours: 6:30AM until school starts
School dismissal until 6:00PM
BASCOL Hours: 6:30AM until school starts
School dismissal until 6:00PM
BASCOL Hours: 6:30AM until school starts
School dismissal until 6:00PM
Soule Road Elementary School
BASCOL Hours: 6:30AM until school starts
School dismissal until 6:00PM
BASCOL Hours: 6:30AM until school starts
School dismissal until 6:00PM
Full Day Care for days off from school is held at Long Branch Elementary and Morgan Road Elementary.
Please see registration information documents below.
Please complete the following form, and we will get back to you within a couple of business days.